Graphology is the analysis of the physical characteristics and patterns of handwriting claiming to be able to identify the writer, indicating psychological state at the time of writing, or evaluating personality characteristics.
Step 1:
First, to make a graphological analysis we must visualize the original writing and try to find out if it is a male or female writing.
Typically feminine characteristics are curves, loops, ornaments, etc.
Typically masculine characteristics are angles, firm pressure, simplicity in the shape of the letters, etc.
And then we will have to identify if he is a leftist or a right-wing person.
If he is left-handed it will highlight the irregularity.
Step 2: ORDER
Secondly, a very important factor is to assess the order of the writing. We distinguish two classifications talking about the order:
Tidy writing corresponds to people of clear ideas, with a capacity for reflection and logical reasoning. They have a higher level of maturity. Regarding the workplace, they are organized and their performance is usually satisfactory.
Disorder writing corresponds to people with organizational difficulties, irreflection, and confusion of ideas. Highlight intuition.
In order to analyze the margins of a writing it is important to have a template with the percentages of the height and width of the page.
Top margin: it symbolizes the sentimental distance of the subject and the recipient.
Large margin, when it exceeds 25% of the height of the paper. Symptom of protocol, of wanting to keep the distances.
Small margin, less than 25% of the height of the paper. Feeling of closeness to the recipient.
Bottom margin: this margin can only be analyzed if the paper is occupying the entirety of the paper.
Small margin, less than 15% of the height of the paper. Low adaptability and difficulties to make logical associations.
Large margin, occupies more than 15% of the height of the paper. Little use of energy and time. Good aesthetic sense. Desire to change environments.
Left margin: in this area, you will find the contents of the past in general.
Small margin, less than 10%. Tend to savings: money, time, effort. It also implies a link to the past, to the family.
Large margin, exceeds 15%. It means extraversion and desire for social contact.
Regular left margin. Good aesthetic taste, balance, order, and self-control.
Unequal left margin, a symptom of disorder, internal struggles, emotion, and little self-control.
Right margin: unconscious content.
Small margin, less than 8% of the width of the paper. Extraversion, sociability, and precipitation in decision making.
Large margin, greater than 12% of the width of the paper. It is a symptom of introversion and timidity.
Regular right margin, aesthetics is of great importance, and in social relationships, it usually has a reserved nature.
Irregular right margin, strong emotionality, problems of orientation and low decision-making capacity.
Step 4: Writing size
In the writing, there are different parts that must be measured: the middle body, the ridges, and the feet.
To measure the middle body, two lines must be drawn at the top of the letters and at the bottom.
To measure the ridges, the upper line of the adjacent letters must be taken as a reference, in the case of the feet the lower line.
We can classify the letter according to the following measures:
Normal: when the middle body measures 2.5 to 3.5 mm. Balance in all aspects, aware of its possibilities and a balanced level of extraversion-introversion.
Small: People who need greater self-confidence, introvert, retailers, and observers.
Big: people with a high concept of themselves and tendency to contact others, extroverted and good organization.
Step 5: Shape
The form of a person's writing is an expression of their external appearance, we have to differentiate if the letter is curved or angled.
-Angular: high labor capacity, a good concentration at work. It tends to command positions and responsibility. Introversion
-Curved: mental agility and the predominance of intuition. Subordinate sites. From a personal point of view, extraversion, a predominance of emotion and emotional instability.
Step 6: Direction of the lines
Another important point is the direction of the lines, they can be:
Ascending lines: if the promotion is greater at 5º. Ability to resist difficulties and setbacks. It is a trait of creative ability, good imagination and places of authority.
Descending lines: if the ascent is less than 5º. It is a trait of pessimism towards life.
Horizontal lines: In this case, we are faced with a person with a balanced attitude, tends to realism and self-control. Indicates a command and subordination places.
Step 7: Cohesion of the letters
Finally, we must take into account the cohesion of the letters. We talk about cohesion referring to the percentage of unions that are in the letters in a writing.
Tied writing: predominantly the unions of the letters, even between words. It supposes great logical capacity, a great fluidity of ideas and an excellent public relation.
Separated writing: when the tendency between letters is towards the separation. They are people who have some difficulties with continuity. They are very intuitive.
Attach writing: this is a very deceptive type of writing since it may seem tied writing but there are many disunions. What happens is that the final strokes appear superimposed with the following giving this optical effect. The characteristics of this type are a great capacity to place the volumes in the space and difficulties of social contact.
Fractional writing: it is that in which not only there are separations between the letters, but also in the strokes that form it. They are people who usually have good intuition and introversion. If it is fractional and accompanied by tremors it can be caused by old age.